Invisalign Maintenance

Learn How to Maintain Your Aligners To Make The Most Of Your Invisalign Treatment!

Congratulations on choosing Invisalign as your orthodontic treatment! These clear aligners straighten your teeth without anyone noticing, but cleaning is essential for removing food bacteria from your mouth. You may worry about bacteria and plaque forming on your aligners. Still, with a proper maintenance routine, you won’t have to worry about your Invisalign deteriorating during treatment. 

Here are some benefits of maintaining your Invisalign aligners:

  • More effective treatment
  • Improved comfort
  • Longer aligner lifespan

At first, Invisalign might seem like a hassle to maintain. However, during your Invisalign Vancouver experience, establishing a regular cleaning routine is essential. If you remove the aligners when eating or drinking and clean them thoroughly, your treatment should proceed without issue. Whether you’re already on your Surrey Invisalign journey or considering it as an option, understanding the significance of maintenance is crucial. Let’s explore why Invisalign maintenance matters and how it can contribute to the success of your treatment.

Why Does Invisalign Maintenance Matter?

Invisalign treatment offers a more subtle way to transform your smile when compared to traditional braces. Having an Invisalign care routine can help you through the treatment process.

Here’s why maintenance matters.

  • Aligner Precision: Keeping your Invisalign aligners clean helps them maintain the integrity needed to exert the right amount of pressure on your teeth for effective movement.
  • Treatment Progress: Consistent maintenance allows your orthodontist to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments. It ensures that your treatment stays on track, and you can switch to the next set of aligners as planned. 
Professional Invisalign Maintenance
  • Oral Health: Proper maintenance helps maintain your oral health. Clean aligners reduce the risk of plaque buildup, which can lead to cavities and gum issues. Keeping your aligners clean is essential for overall dental wellness.
  • Comfort: Well-maintained aligners are more comfortable to wear. Ensuring they fit snugly and are free from damage or contaminants makes your Invisalign experience more enjoyable.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Clear aligners are designed to be discreet, and keeping them clean and clear enhances their aesthetic appeal. You can confidently wear your aligners without worrying about visible stains or discoloration.

By understanding the importance of Invisalign maintenance, you’re taking a proactive step toward achieving your smile goals. Let us provide practical tips and guidelines for daily care and more. We are excited for you to begin the journey to a healthier, straighter smile through proper Invisalign maintenance.

Invisalign Daily Care Routine

Maintaining your Invisalign aligners daily ensures they remain effective and comfortable throughout your treatment. Regular cleaning will ensure the retainers do their job of straightening your teeth.

Here’s a detailed daily care routine to help you keep your aligners in pristine condition:

  • Morning Routine: Start your day by gently removing your Invisalign aligners from your mouth. Rinse your aligners with lukewarm water to remove any saliva and debris. Brush your teeth and floss thoroughly to ensure a clean oral environment before reinserting your aligners.
  • Mealtime Maintenance: Always remove your aligners before eating or drinking hot drinks to prevent staining and damage. After your meal or snack, brush your teeth and clean your aligners with a soft toothbrush and clear, antibacterial soap. Avoid using hot water, as it can deform the aligners. 
  • Hydration: Stay hydrated with water throughout the day, but remove your aligners before drinking other beverages, such as coffee, tea, or juice, which can stain them.
  • Nighttime Ritual: Remove your aligners and rinse them thoroughly before bedtime. Clean your teeth, floss, and brush your aligners gently. Ensure your aligners are clean before putting them back into your mouth.
  • Regular Check-ins: Follow your scheduled check-up appointments with your orthodontist. They will monitor your progress and provide guidance on maintenance.
  • Avoid Harmful Substances: Steer clear of smoking or chewing gum while wearing your aligners, which can lead to discoloration and damage. Store your aligners away from pets, as they may be attracted to the scent. 

By following this daily care routine, you’ll help preserve the clarity and effectiveness of your Invisalign aligners. We aim to ensure your treatment remains on track, bringing you one step closer to your ideal smile. You must be vigilant and wear your retainers daily to ensure successful treatment. 

Regular Check-Ups

Regular check-up appointments with your orthodontist are a crucial aspect of your Invisalign treatment. These appointments play a significant role in ensuring the success and effectiveness of your treatment.

Here’s why regular check-ups matter:

  • Progress Evaluation: Your orthodontist will assess the progress of your treatment, ensuring your teeth are shifting as planned and addressing any issues that may arise.
  • Aligner Changes: Check-ups often coincide with the need to switch to a new set of aligners. Your orthodontist will provide you with the next set, ensuring a seamless transition.
Regular Check-Ups Invisalign
  • Custom Adjustments: If necessary, your orthodontist can make custom adjustments to your treatment plan to address specific concerns or enhance results.
  • Maintenance Guidance: Your orthodontist will provide guidance on proper aligner care and maintenance, ensuring you continue to follow best practices.
  • Addressing Questions: Regular appointments are an excellent opportunity to ask questions or express concerns about your treatment. Your orthodontist is there to provide answers and support.
  • Motivation: Seeing progress during check-ups can motivate your Invisalign journey, keeping you on track toward your smile goals.

At PacificWest Dental Group, we are dedicated to transforming your smile. Our orthodontic team is committed to providing you with the highest level of care and guidance throughout your treatment. Your scheduled check-ups are instrumental in achieving the smile you’ve always wanted.

Why Choose Invisalign to Straigthen Your Teeth?

Invisalign is an effective way to straighten your teeth. Instead of using metal wires and brackets like ordinary braces, Invisalign is a piece of clear plastic that you wear to straighten your teeth. The best part is, it’s unnoticeable to other people. That is why many people choose Invisalign to straighten their teeth.

Invisalign treatment solves many dental problems. Using the latest orthodontic technology, these clear “braces” boost your confidence and help your smile look its best. The before and after results are stunning for both teens and adults. Patients with crowded teeth, irregular spacing, open bite, underbite, and overbite can all benefit from Invisalign treatment. If you are ready to fix your teeth, speak to one of our orthodontists to learn more about the procedure.

Invisalign Is Highly Effective for Teeth Straightening

Invisalign can straighten teeth just as well as other types of cosmetic dentistry. These clear aligners are an effective dental treatment that takes less time than their traditional counterparts.

Invisalign Is Almost Invisible When Wearing It

Invisalign does the same job as braces, but people will not notice the clear aligners in your mouth during treatment. Utilizing the most up-to-date dental technology, from your first appointment to the last, no one will see you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign Provides Faster Results

Did you know Invisalign can straighten teeth within 9-15 months? Generally, most patients notice the difference that Invisalign makes almost right away. Invisalign streamlines the treatment process. Longer treatment periods are 18-24 months at most.

Invisalign Is Comfortable To Wear and Does Not Poke

Since Invisalign does not have wires like braces, there is no risk of poking. Wearing Invisalign aligners is comfortable and will not damage your teeth. Invisalign treatments are virtually painless compared to traditional braces.

It Is Easy To Eat, Clean, and Floss WIth Invisalign

When undergoing Invisalign treatment, you can eat whatever you want – just take out your aligners, and eat! And unlike with braces, you don’t have to navigate around wires when brushing and flossing.

Invisalign Aligners Troubleshooting

While Invisalign aligners are designed for comfort and effectiveness, it’s not uncommon to encounter minor issues during your treatment journey. Understanding how to resolve these issues can help maintain a smooth and successful Invisalign experience. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Aligner Fit: If your aligners don’t fit properly or feel loose, it may indicate that your teeth are not moving as they should. You should try to wear the last aligner that fitted properly for a few more days before advancing to a new tray again. Contact your orthodontist if the problem persists.
  • Speech Changes: Adjusting to new aligners can briefly affect your speech. Practice speaking, reading, and enunciating to adapt quickly.
  • Discomfort: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as Tylenol can help alleviate any discomfort associated with aligner changes. If discomfort persists, consult your orthodontist for guidance.
  • Lost or Damaged Aligners: Contact your orthodontist immediately if you misplace or damage an aligner. They can provide guidance on whether to move on to the next set or order a replacement.
  • Staining or Odor: To prevent staining and odours, clean your aligners regularly with a soft toothbrush and clear, antibacterial soap. Avoid consuming coloured beverages while wearing aligners.
  • Allergic Reactions: If you experience itching, hives, or allergic reactions to the aligner material, discontinue use and consult your orthodontist.
  • Sharp Edges: Gently smooth any sharp or rough edges on your aligners with a soft nail file, taking care not to affect the fit.
  • Aligner Damage: Avoid exposing your aligners to high temperatures, as they can warp. Keep them away from pets, as they may be attracted to the scent.

Remember that your orthodontic team is here to support you throughout your Invisalign journey. If you encounter persistent issues or have concerns, don’t hesitate to ask for help. 

Invisalign surrey
Invisalign Provider Logo

Average Treatment Period

9—15 months

Average Number of Aligners Worn


Average Use Life for Each Aligner

~2 weeks

Check Up With Your Orthodontist

Every 6 weeks
Troubleshooting of your Aligners

Invisalign Maintenance Dos and Don'ts

To ensure the best possible outcome and maintain the clarity, comfort, and effectiveness of your Invisalign aligners. Like braces and any other form of treatment, Invisalign requires an active effort on your part. It’s essential to follow these dos and don’ts:

Invisalign Cleaning


  • Do Wear Your Aligners as Instructed: Follow your orthodontist’s recommendations regarding the duration of wear for your aligners. Consistency is key to achieving your desired results.
  • Do Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss your teeth regularly to prevent plaque buildup and maintain oral health.
  • Do Clean Your Aligners: Clean your aligners daily using a soft toothbrush and clear, antibacterial soap. Rinse them thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
  • Do Remove Aligners for Eating and Drinking: Take out your aligners before consuming any food or beverages other than water to prevent staining and damage.
  • Do Use Chewies: If provided by your orthodontist, use Chewies to ensure your aligners are properly seated and exerting consistent pressure on your teeth.


  • Don’t Skip Check-Up Appointments: Attend your scheduled check-up appointments with your orthodontist to track your progress and receive necessary guidance.
  • Don’t Use Hot Water: Avoid cleaning or rinsing your aligners with hot water, as it can deform the aligner material.
  • Don’t Chew Gum or Smoke: Refrain from chewing gum or smoking while wearing your aligners, as these activities can lead to discoloration and damage.
  • Don’t Skip Aligner Storage: Always store your aligners in their protective case when not in use to prevent loss or damage.
  • Don’t Ignore Issues: If you encounter discomfort, fit issues, or any concerns with your aligners, contact your orthodontist promptly for assistance.


By adhering to these dos and don’ts, you can maintain the quality and effectiveness of your Invisalign aligners, ultimately leading to a successful treatment outcome. 

Maintaining Invisalign Cleaning

Maintaining your Invisalign aligners is essential to a successful treatment. By establishing a regular cleaning routine, you ensure your teeth shift into their proper positions. At PacificWest Dental, we care about our patients and their smiles. That’s why we provide suggestions for patients on how to maintain their Invisalign retainers. Contact our Vancouver or Surrey office for a consultation today. 

FAQs of Invisalign Maintenance

How often should I clean my aligners?

It's recommended to clean your aligners daily, ideally in the morning and before bedtime. This routine helps prevent plaque buildup and ensures your aligners remain clear and odour-free.

Can I use toothpaste to clean my aligners?

It's best to avoid using toothpaste, as it may contain abrasive particles that can scratch the aligner surface. Stick to using a soft toothbrush and clear, antibacterial soap for cleaning.

What should I do if I lose or damage an aligner?

If you misplace or damage an aligner, go to the last aligner that fits and contact your orthodontist immediately. They will provide guidance on whether to move on to the next set or order a replacement aligner.

Can I drink coffee or tea with my aligners in?

It's advisable to remove your aligners before consuming coloured or sugary beverages like coffee, tea, or juice, as they can stain the aligners. Stick to drinking water while wearing them.

What if my aligners feel uncomfortable or tight?

Mild discomfort is normal when transitioning to a new set of aligners. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate this. If discomfort persists or if aligners feel excessively tight, consult your orthodontist.

How do I prevent aligner odour?

To prevent aligner odour, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. Additionally, ensure you clean your aligners daily and rinse them thoroughly after cleaning.

Can I use denture cleaner or mouthwash to clean my aligners?

Using a soft toothbrush and clear, antibacterial soap for aligner cleaning is best. Denture cleaner and mouthwash may contain ingredients that can damage the aligner material.

Should I keep my previous aligners?

It's a good idea to keep your previous aligners until you complete your treatment. If you lose or damage your current set, you can temporarily use the previous aligners to maintain progress.
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How Do I Know If I'm a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Since its inception in the 1990s, Invisalign has worked closely with orthodontists to improve its efficiency. Over the years, treating patients of various ages with different conditions has become easier.

However, at PacificWest Dental Group, we understand each patient is special. That’s why we have a detailed consultation and diagnostic process. Our team will evaluate your condition to determine whether Invisalign is the right option.

Periodontist doing surgery with assistant
Dr Wang Dr Lee
Why Choose PacificWest Dental Group?

Invisalign braces are a trademarked brand of clean, invisible, high-quality aligners for your teeth. We offer a plethora of treatments alongside Invisalign treatment. 

PacificWest Dental Group’s doctors  are certified Invisalign providers and we offer complimentary consultation. It will help you determine if Invisalign is the right choice. 

Our friendly team is passionate about their work and welcomes everyone into our office. We keep up to date with the latest orthodontic technologies to ensure you receive the best treatment possible.