What is a Periodontist?

What is a Periodontist?

Periodontics is that branch and specialty of dentistry concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth or their substitutes and the maintenance of the health, function and aesthetics of these structures and tissues. (Canadian Dental Association)

Get a Consultation

answer our 1 minute questionnaire and get a consultation with our orthodontist!

Dr Wang
Dr. Wang, DDS, MSc, FRCD(C)
Dr Kevin Lee
Dr. Kevin Lee, DMD, MSc, FRCD(C)

Book a Consultation

Get started todaY by calling us at 604-558-0993 (Vancouver) OR 604-501-0993 (sURREY), or by filling the form below.

During your initial consultation, we will understand your situation, perform a visual examination of your bite, recommend a treatment plan and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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Existing Patients – please use contact form