Virtual Consultations
How Do Virtual Consultations Work?
Consultations used to be done in the clinic. Virtual consultations are very convenient and straightforward. But how does PacificWest Dental make sure a virtual consultation is effective and accurate?
It’s really simple and can be done in three simple steps:
Basic Medical Information
You will fill out a simple questionnaire on basic medical and dental history. The information helps us design a safe and proper treatment for you.
Photos of Your Smile
We need a few photos of your teeth. You can do it yourself or enlist the help of a friend or family member. It is very easy and can be done with any camera. Takes less than 5 minutes.
Speak With Our Specialist
Our specialist reviews your information and photos to make a recommendation. Then you can ask any questions over a video call with your orthodontic specialist.
What Photos Do You Need?
It’s a few easy photos of what we need. Any smartphone camera will work. No need for a high-end smartphone, filters, or photoshop! See a demo video on how it’s done!
How to Take Photos With the Help of a Friend? (5 Minutes)
How to DIY – Take Photos By Yourself? (5 Minutes)
With no flash, take a front portrait picture centering on the space between your eyes. Smile but with the teeth biting together.
With no flash, take a side portrait centering on the ear with chin parallel to the floor.
Take a picture of the teeth smiling with the teeth open. (Try to retract your lips as much as possible so it shows the whole teeth including gum.)
Using spoons and Flash, take a picture of the teeth bite together (show as much teeth as possible).
Using one Spoon and Flash, take a picture from the side. Try to angle the camera as far back towards molars so that it is taking the picture as straight on at the molars as possible. A common mistake is to take the picture from too far forward towards the front teeth.
Using one Spoon and Flash, take a picture from the other side. Try to angle the camera as far back towards molars so that it is taking the picture as straight on at the molars as possible. A common mistake is to take the picture from too far.
With no Spoons but WITH Flash, standing near a wall, put your head as far back against the wall as possible and take a picture of the top arch.

With No Spoons but WITH Flash, standing/sitting normally, take a picture from above of the lower arch.
It’s Just That Simple!
Virtual consultation is a fast a simple way to get started with the PacificWest Dental program. Contact us today to book a virtual consultation!