Top 3 Reasons People Delay Getting Braces


Some of the myths that have been built up about braces can be extremely unrealistic. If you’re putting off getting braces in Surrey for any of these reasons, stop delaying now. These are the three common excuses that people make all the time and there’s simply nothing to them.

My Child is Too Young for Braces

Orthodontic care for kids between the ages of 7 and 10 is quite common. Early treatment can help an orthodontist correct skeletal and non-skeletal issues like jaw and tooth alignment, as well as help create a favourable growth pattern for permanent teeth. If your orthodontist is seeing signs of an overbite, open bites, missing teeth or excess teeth, cross bites, or overcrowding, starting you off early with braces will save you time on treatments, as well as cost.

Im Too Old for Braces

It’s never too late for braces. Properly aligned teeth can help you live longer. With gleaming, well-aligned, healthy teeth, there’s a lower risk of periodontal disease and gum disease. Plus you’ll be able to chew food with gusto even as you age, reducing gastrointestinal problems.

Everyones Going to Call Me Brace Face or Metal Mouth

If you decide to get braces, you’ll be joining the ranks of Tom Cruise, Faith Hill, and Emma Watson, all huge, A-list celebrities who wore braces! If you’re wondering how you missed this, then you haven’t been keeping up with braces technology. Today’s braces have come a long way in the last fifteen years. Brackets are smaller, bands don’t wrap around your teeth, and you can wear them without anyone even noticing they’re there.

Get an orthodontic consultation today, don’t delay! Pacific West Dental Group in Surrey and Vancouver will give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of. We’re here for you!

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