Tips for Traveling with Invisalign and Braces from Your Orthodontist
With summer just around the corner, vacation is probably on your mind. Just because you’re amid a tooth straightening or correction treatment does not mean
With summer just around the corner, vacation is probably on your mind. Just because you’re amid a tooth straightening or correction treatment does not mean
All Canadians receive medically necessary doctor visits, diagnostic tests, and hospital care – largely through the taxes we pay as citizens of our wonderful country.
Important COVID-19 Update January 4th, 2021 Happy New Year! We hope that everyone had a safe and joyful Christmas holiday. Over the holidays, we’ve seen
Have you always wanted that perfect smile but kept putting it off because you thought it was not possible? Perhaps you are missing teeth or
Myth: Braces are bulky and painful Fact: With continuous developments in orthodontic technology, the size of braces has been greatly reduced. In addition, the smaller
Since braces have been around so long, people have developed these preconceived ideas on what they think or think they know about braces. Well, we’re
當我們談論到”科技”時,牙套和齒列矯正治療並不常在這個討論的話題中。從智能手機,到VR虛擬實際的技術,科技的進步使我們的生活中得到了許多的便利。不過您可能不知道,其實科技的進步也同時在改變著您的齒顎矯正治療的技術! 齒顎矯正的治療從第一個步驟開始就受到了科技進步的影響。還記得從前病人最討厭的就是取牙齒的模型嗎? 因為科技的進步,矯正牙醫師現在可以用iTero Scanner 數位掃描技術,運用內建的數位相機拍攝上百張牙齒的照片,經過獨家專利研發的電腦程式將其重組、轉換成立體3D畫面。這項科技不僅能夠讓醫師們獲得更精準的紀錄,但更重要的,它取代了傳統難受又麻煩的牙模過程,讓我們能提供給病人更大的舒適和方便! 說到舒適,就不能不提到另一項重要的科技創新: 冷光雷射治療 (Low Level Laser Therapy – LLLT)。 齒顎矯正的過程中,尤其是每個月來調整後,頭幾天常常會有覺得牙齒特別痠軟的感覺。雖然這個痠軟的感覺代表著牙齒正慢慢地移動到完美的位置,但也同時給病人造成了一些不便。為了減少不舒服的感覺,許多病人會使用止痛藥,例如Advil。但這些非類固醇消炎止痛藥其中一項副作用就是會減緩牙齒移動的速度,使療程時間加長。冷光雷射治療 (Low Level Laser Therapy – LLLT) 能夠減緩疼痛,加速組織的恢復力,已經在醫學界被使用多年,並有多項研究證實它的功效。近年來,冷光雷射治療也被齒列矯正牙醫師運用,減緩病人在矯正牙齒過程中所感到的疼痛。冷光雷射運用低能量的光柱,直接照射在疼痛的地方,因此沒有全身副作用。每次矯正約診時配合使用5-10分鐘的冷光雷射療程,能有效減緩矯正過程的疼痛! 齒列矯正治療的最終目的是將牙齒移動到完美、健康的位置,提供給病人美麗的笑容和咬合功能。牙齒移動的關鍵在於支撐牙齒的牙槽骨。牙槽骨需要被身體吸收掉後,牙齒才能移動到新的位置。所以,牙齒移動的速度其實是受牙槽骨的新陳代謝的速度所限制。一直以來,齒列矯正治療最讓人卻步的原因之一就是治療時間! 其實我們也很希望可以在彈指之間就可以幫病人把牙齒全都排列整齊。因此,矯正醫師們不停的研究如何安全的加快牙齒移動的速度,減少矯正治療的時間。經過幾十年來研究和改良,我們發現增加牙齒移動速度的關鍵在於增加牙槽骨的血液循環和刺激牙槽骨的替換。如今我們已有數樣嶄新的科技已被臨床實驗證明,包括PropelVPro5 (利用高頻率震盪來增加血液循環) 和
Everyone has different needs they want addressed when choosing a medical professional. Whether it’s a personality fit or a budget fit, or something else, we
Orthodontic specialist, founder of PacificWest Dental Group. Helping people get the perfect smile since 1994!
Specialist in Orthodontics, UBC alumni. Love helping patients get a beautiful smile. Part-time clinical instructor at UBC.
PacificWest Dental offers Invisalign, braces, lingual braces and other orthodontic treatments in Vancouver and Surrey. The clinic provides orthodontic, prosthodontic, periodontal treatments and oral surgery. Operating from Vancouver and Surrey, PacificWest Dental’s goal is to provide the highest level of patient health and satisfaction, and to help patients achieve their perfect and healthy smile.